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Book Review: Fizz Boom Bath!

Thanks to Quarto Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

- published: 07 August 2018, Rock Point

- more info on Goodreads

- order on Amazon

I was SO happy when I found out I was going to get to review this book!

Da Bomb bath fizzers have been on the scene for a few years, and my husband and I both love to try them.

They're available at Target but, honestly, they're a little pricey.

That's why I am excited to get to try making my own bath bombs! I've followed a few recipes I've found online and none of them seemed to be quite perfect. Either the supplies were too obscure or the end result wasn't what we were going for.

The Bercaw sisters have written up simple yet beautiful recipes for many of the bombs in their line.

I can't wait to try a few that look particularly amazing. I'm thinking Tiki Time, Bronze Goddess, Geode Bomb, and Waffle Bomb are at the top of my list.

Also, there is an entire section for aromatherapy bombs which excites me even more. I've got a few favorite essential oils I would LOVE to put into some bath fizzers.

I am giving Fizz Boom Bath!: Learn How to Make Your Own Bath Bombs, Body Scrubs, and More! a total of 4 out of 5 stars.

Let me explain.

The bath bomb recipes look...bomb.

The directions are conversational and clear.

The pictures are gorgeous.

But, there are two major downfalls for me.

First, the section on "other bath and body products" seems a little out of place. I used to make lip balm as a young girl, and my recipe was similar to the one listed. Long story short, it was gross. So I will not be trying that.

Second, there are no pictures of the steps to make the bath bombs. I like to see the action. Visuals are important in DIY manuals like this, and the Bercaws seem to have missed that mark.

The photography (done by ) is beautiful and showcases each bomb's unique colors and qualities, but there is not photography to show the reader what their projects should look like along the way.

Anyway, if DIYing your own bath fizzers tickles your fancy, hopefully you'll get on over to your nearest bookseller (or head over to Amazon) to get your own copy on August 7th!

Thanks for reading!


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