Product Review: Book of the Month Club

The most happiest mail on a rainy day!
I know Book of the Month is really more of a service but you get (at least) one book a month and extra goodies on occasion. What’s not to love?!
This is only my second book from BOTM but they’ve been around for over 90 years, so that must mean they’re on to something good.

How it works: signing up for the club is $14.99 per month and you will receive a hardback book. You choose your book out of 5 books that have been chosen by BOTM judges. If you don’t like any of the 5 books, you can skip the month. In these choices, BOTM will usually have a debut author, a new release, and classic favorites for you to choose from.
Then, after you make your choice, you can add other books for just $9.99!
They also have super cute extras you can add, like wine koozies and a reader-friendly coloring book. 👌🏼 Super useful and necessary for book lovers of all types.

This month, I chose The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn. It’s a psychological suspense novel and I am soooo super stoked to read it. It was just published January 2, 2018. Which means getting your hands on it for less than $20-ish is AMAZING.

I also really love BOTM books without their dust jacket on. The simplicity of the design and the inclusion of their logo and date on the cover is so cute to me.
The Woman in the Window is A.J. Finn’s debut novel. He has written for numerous publications and resides in NYC.
Stay tuned for my review 📚 (REVIEW NOW POSTED HERE!)
You get your first book for $9.99 + a free tote bag when you join using my referral link here:
Happy reading, friends! 🤓